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Further assistance needed for Canterbury workers

25 Mar 11

The Government’s earthquake support package for Canterbury workers and employers needs to be extended and strengthened, according to the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU). The current subsidies, which run until 5 April, are for those workers whose workplaces are closed as a result of the earthquakes.

It is clear that a number of businesses, particularly those within the CBD, will still not have access to premises or vital business equipment before 5 April, meaning that many employers will not be in a position to assess and make decisions about their long-term viability. Many others will still be severely affected or in the beginnings of recovery mode.

As a result, the CTU is calling on the Government to continue and extend the support packages for at least another 6 weeks to all affected employers and workers.

During this period the Government should develop a range of other forms of support that could be based on developing skills, supporting relocation costs for workers if businesses are moved, and other medium term measures. Some workers will need assistance for longer periods than others but it is far too soon for the Government to phase down the current level of support. In fact there are instances even now where workers are missing out because their employer does not qualify.

The $6.85 million Government Support package announced yesterday by the acting Minister for Economic Development will provide valuable practical assistance to employers during the recovery process, but it is also essential that the current wage support subsidy packages continue beyond 5 April.