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European Trade Union Confederation sends Spain’s Prime Minister, proposals for Spanish presidency

The ESC warned it would be "a mistake" to withdraw public measures to stimulate demand before the recovery is a reality, or "solid".

11 Jan 10

European Trade Union Confederation sends Spain’s Prime Minister, proposals for the Spanish presidency of the EU.

According to a press release from the CC.OO. and the UGT, the document also states as a priority, to establish a climate change agenda for the construction of a ‘ green’ European economy, to develop a social market economy and freedom of movement for workers.

The ESC warned it would be "a mistake" to withdraw public measures to stimulate demand before the recovery is a reality, or "solid". Also, to create more jobs, it proposes a European investment plan for 1% of GDP per year for three years, in new technologies with "green and sustainable" utilities.

It also believes that the Spanish presidency priority should be the regulation of financial markets through the establishment of a transaction tax, eliminating tax havens, restore or promote tax justice establishing a common basis for taxes companies.

In health and safety, it calls for a push in research for musculoskeletal disorders and exposure to carcinogens and toxic, it considers that "very little" progress has been made.

Among other initiatives, it also raise issues related to trade, as well as reconciling work and family life, parental leave, and the revision of the directive on pregnant women.